Prigozhin death’s main SUSPECTS. Who benefits? Cui Bono?

Via Emil Cosman


UK military believes Prigozhin’s death was organised by FSB

We have nothing to do with this – Zelenskyy on Prigozhin’s death

Prigozhin’s body taken to medical examiner’s office as Kremlin remains silent*


*Putin breaks silence on Prigozhin plane crash as bodies taken to medical examiner’s office

Putin Offers Condolences to Families of Those Killed in Private Plane Crash in Tver Region

Wagner rebellion: US Intelligence wants to get rid of General Armageddon.

“I Don’t Think He Would Have Handled The Riots Himself.” How Military Correspondents React To The Rumor About Surovikin’s Arrest

Romanov’s publication came amid publication by the New York Times, which, citing US officials familiar with intelligence, reported that Surovikin allegedly “knew in advance of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plans to rebel against the leaders soldiers of Russia” and therefore urged the “Wagnerians” to stop. At the same time, the newspaper claims, other Russian generals may support the businessman.


Russian General Knew About Mercenary Chief’s Rebellion Plans, [Anonymous] U.S. Officials Say

American officials and others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence. They emphasized that much of what the United States and its allies know is preliminary. U.S. officials have avoided discussing the rebellion publicly, out of fear of feeding Mr. Putin’s narrative that the unrest was orchestrated by the West.

Still, American officials have an interest in pushing out information that undermines the standing of General Surovikin, whom they view as more competent and more ruthless than other members of the command. His removal would undoubtedly benefit Ukraine, whose Western-backed troops are pushing a new counteroffensive that is meant to try to win back territory seized by Moscow.

Kremlin slams ‘speculation’ reports that Surovikin knew about upcoming mutiny beforehand

Russian general who may have known about Wagner mutiny goes missing

Russian General Arrested Following Wagner Mutiny – MT Russian

Moscow diffuses Wagner affair w/Mark Sleboda

This weekend saw a possible march on Moscow by the private military force Wagner group. Western media, politicians and various talking heads – and tails – have put forth their speculations, ranging from an attempted overthrow of the Russian government to a game of 5D chess by Vladimir Putin. To get a reality-based understanding of what happened and what it means going forward, Don DeBar spoke with Moscow-based analyst Mark Sleboda, via Skype, Monday.

KPFK News, June 26, 2023 – Moscow diffuses Wagner affair w/Mark Sleboda via Don DeBar


YouTube: Wagner Boss says invasion of Ukraine is based on LIES as he condemns Military leaders

OSCE Reports Reveal Ukraine Started Shelling The Donbas Nine Days Before Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’ (2)

Shelling in Donbass brings Europe to brink of war

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt [Kornilov Affair]

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt

Putin reminded Russians that a similar scenario played out in the country in 1917, when it was in the middle of World War I. He recounted how “intrigues, bickering, politicking behind the army’s and the people’s back” led to the “collapse of the state,” and the “tragedy of the Civil War.

Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while various political adventurers and foreign powers were capitalizing on it,” the president said.

Putin vowed to prevent this from happening as well as to defend Russia and its people, “including from internal mutiny.


Full Address to citizens of Russia

Wagner boss Prigozhin’s insurrection: 21st century Russia’s Kornilov Affair?

So, the closest to the ongoing ‘Prizoghin Affair’ was the Kornilov Affair of August/September 1917, amid the tumult of World War I.

So, Prigozhin Decided To Go For It.

Wagner took control of government buildings in Rostov-On-Don and Prigozhin himself materialized in the Staff of Southern Military District and demands now Shoigu and Gerasimov (in Russian). So, it is a Kornilov Mutiny, of sorts, and now a lot becomes clear about Prigozhin and Wagner. This is getting serious and those people from Wagner who participate in this are now official traitors. I also want to point out Ostashko’s description of General Alexeev.

Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

Remember when WaPo said that Prigozhin had made a deal with the SBU?! 🧐💭 Wikipedia has already made an entry on the Wagner Group mutiny! Victoria Nuland is probably orgasming right now (sorry for the visual)!

RT: “A video purportedly filmed in Rostov-on-Don shows a tank and an armored personnel carrier (APC) driving past a group of police officers who are guarding a fuel station. More military hardware, including another tank, another APC, two armored cars and a truck, follow shortly afterwards.”
YouTube: “Wagner with the National Guard & Russian Military [supposedly] TAKE OVER Russian Military HQ In Rostov-on-Don”.
RT: “Video purportedly showing an armed confrontation between Wagner PMC forces and the Russian Army.”

Wagner PMC ‘armed coup’ attempt in Russia: all the latest news

  • 00:22 GMT:
  • The White House has said it is “monitoring the situation” in Russia. President Joe Biden has been informed about the developments, National Security Council spokesperson Adam Hodge told the media. US officials indicated that they consider the situation ‘serious’ and beyond Prigozhin’s previous statements launched against the Russian military leadership in the past, according to CNN.


Coup Plot in Russia? Unfolding Drama

Flash : Salammbô


By John Helmer, Moscow

Last week on October 19 the US Navy announced that “General Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla [lead image, lower right] , commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia [top], a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. Kurilla was joined on the USS West Virginia by Vice Admiral Brad Cooper [lower left], commander of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and NAVCENT.”


Terror on Crimea Bridge forces Russia to unleash Shock’n Awe + Before Ukraine blew up Kerch Bridge, British spies plotted it

Terror on Crimea Bridge forces Russia to unleash Shock’n Awe

By Pepe Escobar – October 10 2022

The western narrative of a ‘losing Russia’ has just been decimated by Moscow’s blitzkrieg against Ukraine and its foreign-backed terror operations

It was a plan by the British MI6, says this source, without offering further details. Which, he elaborates, Russian intel, for a number of reasons, is shadow-playing as “foreign special services.”


EXPOSED: Before Ukraine blew up Kerch Bridge, British spies plotted it