Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

But what’s disappointing about her recent Maga makeover is that she’s abandoned a lot of the positive portions of the Sanders agenda she once espoused, policies designed to help working people: higher wages, better health care, and stronger unions (she got a 100 per cent voting score as a congressperson from the AFL-CIO). Instead, she now dismisses all aspects of Bidenomics as “fascism” and plays up the culture wars.


Former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will be keynote speaker at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser

Trump revealed Tuesday that he’s considering Gabbard as a running mate.

The fundraiser is not technically for Trump; it’s for the 917 Society, a nonprofit that promotes education about the Constitution.

917 Society Founders Club

917 Society Tax Filings

Tulsi Gabbard

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US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

US foreign policy seems to be utterly irrational. The US gets into one disastrous war after another — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Gaza. In recent days, the US stands globally isolated in its support of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians, voting against a UN General Assembly resolution for a Gaza ceasefire backed by 153 countries with 89% of the world population, and opposed by just the US and 9 small countries with less than 1% of the world population.

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

Ex-Pentagon Analyst: West Nixed Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal, Now Seeking Way Out


Davyd Arakhamia, leader of the Servant of the People faction in the Ukrainian parliament has spilled some beans about the March 2022 Russo-Ukrainian talks, hinting that it was then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson who brought the negotiations to naught.

Ex-Pentagon Analyst: West Nixed Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal, Now Seeking Way Out


Ukrainian Official Confirms Russia Was Ready to End War in March 2022 If Kyiv Agreed to Neutrality

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

On June 6, Tucker Carlson, America’s most-watched TV pundit, launched a new show on Twitter. No longer reined in by Fox News executives, Carlson was free to ask a big, explosive question: “What exactly happened on 9/11?” He answered himself: “Well, it’s still classified.”

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

H/T: Der Friedensstifter


Tucker Carlson on 9/11 Truth (Building 7)

Tucker Carlson Calls 911 Truthers “Parasites” (Rumble)