People Of The World, Unite And Defeat The U.S. Aggressors And All Their Running Dogs

A new upsurge in the struggle against U.S. imperialism is now emerging throughout the world. Ever since the Second World War, U.S. imperialism and its followers have been continuously launching wars of aggression and the people in various countries have been continuously waging revolutionary wars to defeat the aggressors. The danger of a new world war still exists, and the people of all countries must get prepared. But revolution is the main trend in the world today.

People Of The World, Unite And Defeat The U.S. Aggressors And All Their Running Dogs

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

In Defense of Neutrals: Why they’re more than just fence sitters.

The demise of neutrality has been much exaggerated. Finnish membership and Sweden’s accession application to NATO have been interpreted in some corners as evidence of its decline. In wars of aggression, refusing to pick sides is untenable, some hold, as they berate those who still do not send weapons to Ukraine or sanction Russia.

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

NY Times Blames SOCIAL SPENDING for Debt Crisis—Ignores Endless War

This is a clip from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. You can watch the full episode for FREE here: How Endless War Bankrupted the US While Inflicting Mass Suffering at Home. Plus: Macron Threatens Internet Shutdown & Update on US Govt’s Private Data Purchases | SYSTEM UPDATE #111

NY Times Blames SOCIAL SPENDING for Debt Crisis—Ignores Endless War via Glenn Greenwald


America Is Living on Borrowed Money

America’s Wars and the US Debt Crisis

Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis

What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq?

Referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an editorial in Saturday’s Washington Post exclaims that Ukraine’s “struggle is also a crucible for Europe and an assault against the most basic precept on which the Western system rests: the impermissibility of unprovoked wars of aggression.”

In a follow-up editorial today, the Post calls for an international tribunal to try Vladimir Putin and his “henchmen” for waging a “war of aggression” against Ukraine. The Post quotes the Nuremberg tribunal: “To initiate a war of aggression … is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”

What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq?

Why Does Humanity Still Tolerate the Tragedy of Wars in the 21st Century? The Big Picture

Since the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), there have been many civil wars and several important regional military conflicts between two or more countries, but none has evolved into a general world war involving all the most heavily armed countries. The most serious regional wars were the Korean War (1950-1953), the Vietnam War (1955-1975), the Iraq War (2003-2011), the Syria War (2011- ), and the Ukraine War (2022- ).

Why Does Humanity Still Tolerate the Tragedy of Wars in the 21st Century? The Big Picture

H/T: Der Friedensstifter

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?

The New York Times recently reported that Washington is promoting Canada’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, as its “prime candidate” to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO secretary-general when the Norwegian’s term expires in September 2023.

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?


Canadian Foreign Minister Scapegoats Russian Hackers for Exposing Nazi Grandfather

Seems appropriate to me, considering that there have been Nazis in the NATO leadership, previously.

Chris Hedges “The Greatest Evil is War”

Chris Hedges returned to The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on October 21, 2022 to speak on the subject of his latest book, titled “The Greatest Evil is War” (Seven Stories Press). This unflinching indictment of the horror and obscenity of war draws from experience and interviews for a book that looks at the hidden costs of war, what it does to individuals, families, communities, and nations.

Chris Hedges “The Greatest Evil is War” via MediaSanctuary

I’m surprised that he agrees with sanctions, even though they only hurt civilians?!


Chris Hedges: Writing on War and Living in a World from Hell

The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia

The Project for a New American (Racist )Century is omnipresent in the capitals of Europe today. From Dublin to Berlin—Ukrainian colors are on flagpoles, bus stops and buildings. The subtext is blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia