Philippines: US moving to protect their Puppet BBM, says China is trying to destabilize him thru Duterte + China Challenged

rhk111’s Channel

US moving to protect their Puppet BBM, says China is trying to destabilize him thru Duterte

The comparison between Zelensky and BBM is very appropriate, not only are they suspected to be both Cocaine Addicts, but they are also now Puppets of the US who are willing to sacrifice their Country in War for the sake of serving the Interests of the US.

I am currently in the process of proofreading my paper and making necessary corrections. I hope to have it completed by Monday. If and when it gets updated, I’ll upload it here with my other documents.


China Challenged

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

As many as 36 groups advocating free speech, the Free Speech Alliance, have turned to US Congress with a request to stop any further funding of NewsGuard.

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

Previous NewsGuard posts (not necessarily conservative):

NewsGuard is very neutral. Its Board of Directors is secret, but its Advisory Board includes one of the co-founders of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) as well as the former director of the CIA and the NSA (General Michael Hayden), the former Secretary General of NATO (Anders Fogh Rasmussen), the former Secretary for Homeland Security (Tom Ridge) or the former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy – i.e. Propaganda (Richard Stengel)

The EU, NATO, NewsGuard and the Voltaire Network (original)

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House

Consortium News Sues NewsGuard, US Government For Alleged Defamation

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Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

The knives are out again for those advocating for peace on the Korean Peninsula. Almost eight years to the day, I wrote “The Knives are Out For Those Who Challenge Militarization of the Korean Peninsula,” about Washington Beltway pundits and those on the payroll of organizations and corporations that make money out of the U.S. bureaucracy’s need for an enemy. These groups had focused their outrage and diatribes at Women Cross DMZ for organizing the 2015 trip to North and South Korea and daring to challenge the status quo of US policy toward North Korea.

Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups

A little-known climate change advocacy organization heavily funded by celebrities and influential left-leaning foundations has been quietly dishing out grants to various activist groups deploying unorthodox and extremist methods across the world to protest fossil fuels, documents reveal.

Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups


Climate Capitalists/Green Capitalism