Defying Niger exit order leaves U.S. troops vulnerable, whistleblower says

Defying Niger exit order leaves U.S. troops vulnerable, whistleblower says

“We have Army soldiers right now in Niger who aren’t getting their troop rotations, who aren’t getting their medicine, who aren’t getting their supplies, who aren’t getting their mail and the two senior people in the United States Army are sitting before me and it’s like ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil,’” said Gaetz.


BBC: Niger’s Junta Revokes Military Agreement With US

He [Col Amadou Abdramane] also alleged that the US delegation had accused Niger of making a secret deal to supply uranium to Iran. Col Abdramane described the accusation as “cynical” and “reminiscent of the second Iraq war”.

BBC: Niger’s Junta Revokes Military Agreement With US


Niger’s Junta Revokes Military Agreement With US

“The US presence on the territory of the Republic of Niger is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the sovereign people… to be consulted on the installation of a foreign army on its territory,” Niger’s military spokesperson Col Amadou Abdramane said in a damning statement on national television.

He also alleged that the US delegation had accused Niger of making a secret deal to supply uranium to Iran. Col Abdramane described the accusation as “cynical” and “reminiscent of the second Iraq war”.

And finally, he suggested that the US had raised objections about the allies that Niger had chosen. “The government of Niger therefore strongly denounces the condescending attitude combined with the threat of reprisals by the head of the American delegation against the government and the people of Niger,” Col Abdramane said.

At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

Twelve days ago, I was asked by the Opinion section of the New York Times to write an essay on the JFK assassination nearly 60 years later. This was a major breakthrough because the newspaper of record has always embraced the official version of the assassination, even as the Warren Report, based on the “magic bullet” and all that nonsense, has grown increasingly tattered over the years. In 2015, when The Devil’s Chessboard — my book about CIA spymaster Allen Dulles and the national security state’s war with President Kennedy — was published, the Times refused to review it. (Nonetheless, the book was a New York Times bestseller.)

At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

H/T: Kim Iversen

Dr Faiz Discusses the Israel-Palestine Conflict, says ‘New Class of Weapons Used’

In the heart of conflict-ridden Gaza, Dr. Khamis Al-Assi Momen Faiz, a distinguished neurologist and pain medicine consultant at the Turkish Hospital, bears witness to the deadly toll of the ongoing Israel-Palestine war. As the number of Palestinian deaths escalates to 7,500, with a significant proportion being women and children, Dr. Faiz gives a harrowing account of a new class of weapons causing extensive damage and burns.

Dr Faiz Discusses the Israel-Palestine Conflict, says ‘New Class of Weapons Used’

Tales of the American Empire: The American Colony of Iraq

In 2003, the United States launched an unprovoked invasion of Iraq, destroyed that nation, and transformed it into a colony. Its proud, professional army was disbanded, its government institutions run by the Baath Party were dismembered, and its national oil company was privatized. The United States created a puppet government and army controlled with a massive spy system that identifies and liquidates dissidents called terrorists. The billions of dollars earned each year from Iraqi oil exports is sent to the New York Federal Reserve bank. Americans use these funds to manage Iraqi government operations, to include the pay for its government officials and generals.

Most American troops left in 2011, but several thousand remained hidden away as training units and backed by American combat units in nearby Kuwait. They engage in occasional combat as part of the ongoing “Operation Inherent Resolve.” In 2020, Iraq’s parliament rebelled and voted to expel all American troops from Iraq. American leaders ignore this demand, blame unrest on Iranian interference, and continue to rule and loot Iraq.

The American Colony of Iraq via Tales of the American Empire

Exposed: Disturbing Details of New Pentagon ‘Perception Management Office’

Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March.

Exposed: Disturbing Details of New Pentagon ‘Perception Management Office’



Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

2013 – The NDAA Legalized The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public

Censorship Prohibits Spreading Truths, And Demands Spreading Lies

Censorship Prohibits Spreading Truths, And Demands Spreading Lies

Back in or around 2014, 43 international-news media were publishing my articles, and some of them were mainstream liberal media, some were mainstream conservative, and others were libertarian, but the vast majority were non-mainstream. When Barack Obama in February 2014 perpetrated a coup in Ukraine that installed a rabidly anti-Russian government there on Russia’s border and that was instead ‘reported’ as-if it had been a ‘democratic revolution’, which coup-imposed regime perpetrated a massacre against its pro-Russian protestors inside the Trade Unions Building in Odessa on 2 May 2014 (see especially the charred bodies of its victims at 1:50:00- in that video), I started writing about Ukraine; and, then, those 43 international-news sites gradually whittled themselves down to only 7; and, yet, none of them ever alleged that anything in any of my articles was false and asked me to prove it true, but they were instead getting pressure from Google, and from the FBI, and from other Establishment U.S. entities, and were afraid of being forced out of business (which many of them ultimately were) by them. The personal narrative that will now be provided here is about the latest of these cases, which threatens the site Modern Diplomacy, which had been an excellent international-affairs news site and included writers from all across the international-affairs news spectrum, for and against every Government’s policies, and from practically every angle. I had long been expecting MD (because of its impartiality) to receive a warning from the U.S. regime, and this finally happened late in December 2022, when the site’s founder, D., sent me this notice:


Eric Zuesse’s Now-Deleted Profile at Modern Diplomacy