Russia And China Draw ‘Red Lines’ On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet

Reacting to China’s announcement that it will be putting forward a proposal for a political settlement to end the war in Ukraine, the US ambassador to the United Nations said that if China begins arming Russia in that conflict this will be a “red line” for the United States.

Russia And China Draw ‘Red Lines’ On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet

Biden Can’t Denounce Russia’s Annexations and Ignore Israel’s

The United States has repeatedly stated that it will not recognize Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian territory. U.S. President Joe Biden vowed that “[t]he United States, I want to be very clear about this, will never, never, never recognize Russia’s claims on Ukraine sovereign territory.” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged that the “United States does not, and will never, recognize the legitimacy or outcome of these sham referenda or Russia’s purported annexation of Ukrainian territory.”

Biden Can’t Denounce Russia’s Annexations and Ignore Israel’s

Updated: UN Accuses China of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang

UN Accuses China of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang

The OHCHR relied on a variety of sources in the report, including interviews with 26 former detainees at facilities in Xinjiang, the majority of whom “reported having been subjected to treatment that would amount to torture.” However, in addition to purported first-hand testimony, the assessment also cites the work of German anthropologist Adrian Zenz, whose research on the Uyghurs has come under fire for major statistical errors, mistranslations of Chinese source material and ideological bias against Beijing, among other shortcomings.

Video via Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

The report also sites The Xinjiang Police Files and ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute), both of which are covered here. On a side note, when is the US going to be held accountable* for their crimes against humanity or war crimes?!

Related (I’ve also included two Western media sources for balance):

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