ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Greenblatt’s action plan to combat what he calls anti-Jewish “disinformation” has taken many forms but, so far, appears to focus primarily on the suppression of free speech on social media. In a joint press call on Nov 8th, Greenblatt joined several US politicians to gameplan a way to “combat terrorists and disinformation” on “China-owned” TikTok. During the call, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer, and Don Bacon formally announced the “Stopping Terrorists Online Presence and Holding Accountable Tech Entities Act,” known as the STOP HATE Act.

The legislation seeks to impose a fine of $5 million a day for any tech company that fails to adequately “fight disinformation” or refuses to submit lists of terms of service violations made by users. It also hopes to force TikTok to register as a foreign agent and clamp down on Al Jazeera for its reporting of humanitarian issues in Gaza.

In March, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for police documents revealed that Florida-based law enforcement was taking direction and colluding with the ADL on how to curb First Amendment-protected activities. The communications between the department’s police chief and Florida ADL Director, Yael Hirschfeld, appeared to scold police brass for releasing prominent influencer Jon “Handsome Truth” Minadeo.


Canada: Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

Neo-Nazis and white nationalists have gone on a pilgrimage to an Ontario memorial to the Waffen SS Galicia division, the Ukrainian Nazi-led unit, after one of its veterans received a standing ovation in Parliament last month, prompting renewed calls for the monument to be torn down.

Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial


Active Club Network

Active Clubs are a nationwide network of localized white supremacist crews who are largely inspired by Robert Rundo’s white supremacist Rise Above Movement (R.A.M.)

Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic Churches

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan issued a subpoena to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday for documents as House Republicans investigate the circumstances surrounding a since-withdrawn memo from the bureau’s Richmond field office that focused on extremism in the Catholic Church.

Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic churches

H/T: Kim Iversen


FBI Investigations Of Radical Catholic Traditionalists Can Help The Church

ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism

The ADL has been trying to liaise with the FBI by offering ADL investigators as informants, offering to exchange files to “avoid duplication of investigation” and “train” FBI and law enforcement personnel since the 1940s.

What have been the negative consequences for human rights activists?

IRmep presents findings from years of Freedom of Information Act filings at a number of relevant Washington, DC locations.

ADL files FBI “Civil Rights Threat” conflating white nationalists with pro-Palestinian charities

FOIA documents: Israel Lobby Archive

ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism


The first time I learned about Kent McLellan “Boneface” was through the investigation of Vasily Prozorov a former employee of the Ukrainian Security Services now uncovering the hidden truths of Ukraine on his channel UKRLEAKS.



18+: Interview and Chats with Former Azov Member Kent “Boneface” McLellan, Who Has Returned to the United States After Evacuation From Azovstal


I’ve seen the crucifixion video and it’s hard to tell if it’s real or not. More “fact-checks” claim that it’s propaganda than those that claim it’s real. It’s gruesome but the video ends right after they start the fire. The only website (Deep Gore Tube) that it seems to still be at has pop-up ads to porn sites. If you do click, to watch it, don’t say that I didn’t warn you!

A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?

A boomerang. By TJ Coles, Global Research, 6/8/22

US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria.

TJ Coles: A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?