Feet on the Ground in St. Petersburg: The Public Mood

by Gilbert Doctorow

One of the first questions put to me by a reader via the Comments function with respect to Monday’s report of my initial impressions after arriving in St Petersburg was: and what is the general mood of people? I begged off answering, saying that I would have to speak to a lot more people before I could confidently answer that question.

Feet on the Ground in St. Petersburg: The Public Mood

Sanctions don’t seem to be effecting the wealthy or the middle class, in Russia, much.

18+: Videos appear to document execution of Russian POWs by Ukrainian armed forces

The New York Times has verified the authenticity of videos apparently showing the execution of 11 surrendering Russian soldiers in the village of Makeyevka, Luhansk, in Eastern Ukraine earlier this month.

Videos appear to document execution of Russian POWs by Ukrainian armed forces


Russian prisoners of war executed by soldiers from Ukraine’s 80th brigade — LPR militia

RT: Videos showing execution of Russian POWs in Ukraine are authentic – NYT (Alternative link, if blocked)

Flash : the Ukrainian Nazis have started to persecute civilians in Kherson

Flash : the Ukrainian Nazis have started to persecute civilians in Kherson

The man is a veteran of the Soviet Army!

Source. (YouTube)


Ukraine won’t let journalists into Kherson amid fears of civilian shootings

Ukraine is not allowing journalists into the settlements that have come under Ukrainian control in Kherson in recent days. The Ukrainian journalist and blogger Anatoly Shary reports on shootings and fears that the media lockout serves to cover up war crimes.

Earlier, Shariy reported that the Ukrainian army began repression against residents of the region immediately after its invasion. According to his information, 20 people suspected of “collaborating” with Russia were shot dead in the settlement of Snigirevka. On Friday morning he wrote:

“In Snigirevka, which had been quietly defended recently and had in fact quietly surrendered, 20 Russian collaborators were killed, according to the Russian military.

I’m skeptical about the number. I think there are a lot more.”

“Everyone who worked with the Russians and couldn’t leave Kherson, and that’s thousands, if not tens of thousands, is finished.

The wheels are coming off the Dutch green revolution

Another day, another success in the courts for Dutch environmentalists. This week, the country’s highest court, the Council of State, decided that building is no longer exempt from EU environment protection rules. In one of the world’s most densely-populated countries, where new homes are badly needed – and a 900,000 home building spree had just been announced – this spells trouble: within hours, building association Bouwend Nederland called it a ‘tragedy’ and experts warned it will exacerbate the Netherlands’ housing crisis.

The wheels are coming off the Dutch green revolution