Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?


Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Meet Mr. Massacre 

Breakup of Yugoslavia

Assessment of Nuclear Conflict Risks at the Present Geopolitical Climate

The following is a letter by an anonymous viewer of the neutrality studies youtube channel, published here for the purpose of an open discussion. To send your own letter, please contact the editor.

Dear Pascal,

I thought I would write and to share some thoughts regarding the program you presented, with the two academics from Europe on the critical topic of “nuclear war risk assessment” at the present state of international geopolitical events. The link referencing your program is the following, that I am referring to:

Assessment of Nuclear Conflict Risks at the Present Geopolitical Climate

I slept through those videos. 🤷🏼‍♀️

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

Foreign Affairs so, yes, it has a bias. Author Mark Leonard

Still there are some points of interest. One obvious point made is the lamentable state of US diplomacy. Perhaps better acknowledged as non existent.

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

The USG is doing a good enough job of ruining its reputation, on the international stage, but let’s blame China! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Biden’s America is now losing three wars simultaneously.

Because of Joe Biden’s career-long consistent neoconservatism — he never met a U.S. invasion or coup that he didn’t didn’t like and didn’t assist to happen — he is losing all three of America’s current wars, and each one of them (each of which he inherited from the prior Administrations, because at least since 1980 all U.S. Presidents have been neocons) is a proxy-war by a U.S. client-state or “colony” against an enemy that the U.S. Government has long wanted to “regime-change” (i.e., to take control over):

Biden’s America is now losing three wars simultaneously.

H/T: Unorthodox Truth

AINDF: Let us break up south Korea-US nexus!

The AINDF releases an appeal

On October 1, the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front issued an appeal under the title of “Let us resolutely smash the aggressive yet submissive south Korea-US alliance through a nationwide campaign!” on the threshold of 70th anniversary of the conclusion of the south Korea-US mutual defense treaty.

Let us break up south Korea-US nexus!


The Spirit of Camp David: Joint Statement of Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States