U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

In September, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party in September wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas accusing Qingdao Sunsong of moving some of its production to Thailand to evade U.S. tariffs.

The letter identified Qingdao Sunsong’s public filings, which say the company’s products are subject to U.S. import tariffs of 25% imposed on certain goods made in China and that “in order to reduce tariff costs, the issuer has accelerated production in Thailand.”

In the letter to Mayorkas, Republican congressmen Mike Gallagher* of Wisconsin and Darin LaHood of Illinois called Sunsong’s actions a “case of blatant trade fraud that is having a catastrophic impact on American manufacturers.”

*Racist piece of 💩!

H/T: Johnsonwkchoi

The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia

The Project for a New American (Racist )Century is omnipresent in the capitals of Europe today. From Dublin to Berlin—Ukrainian colors are on flagpoles, bus stops and buildings. The subtext is blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands

What is it about Australian diplomacy that makes it so clumsy and dunderheaded? Is it the harsh delivery, the tactless expression, or the inability to do things with subtle reflection? On September 6, Australian diplomacy gave another display of such form with Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s remarks about the Solomon Islands elections.

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands votes to delay election as opposition cries foul

Is the Solomon Islands an Australian colony?

Racists Depict Russia as “Asian” Whenever they Want to Affiliate Russia with Barbarianism

In 2018, a drawing of Russian President Putin was released by the Wall Street Journal. In this image, President Putin was depicted wearing Mongolian garb and armor. Behind him rides a faceless Mongol horde. A caption in bold characters read: “RUSSIA RETURNS TO ITS ASIAN PAST”. What may appear to be an innocent political cartoon is actually connected to very deep anti-Asian roots.

Racists Depict Russia as “Asian” Whenever they Want to Affiliate Russia with Barbarianism

Producing New Enemies for No Reason Whatsoever

A good friend of mine, learning of the impending visit of Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, recalled Homer’s description of Helen of Troy, “The face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the towers of Ilium.” Well, Nancy ain’t no Helen of Troy, but she might nevertheless be in the business of launching warships and burning cities due to her bizarre interpretation of her foreign policy prerogatives as Speaker.

Producing New Enemies for No Reason Whatsoever