US Condemns Chinese Military Build-Up the US Itself Provoked

Brian Berletic

US Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John Aquilino has recently complained about China’s militarization of the South China Sea. He has accused China of placing anti-aircraft and anti-ship systems along with other military facilities on islands scattered throughout the South China Sea.

US Condemns Chinese Military Build-Up the US Itself Provoked


US to build anti-China missile network along first island chain

US Defense Secretary Miller’s naughty US spy flights

The new Trump appointee US Defense Secretary Christopher Miller (doomed to be the shortest serving ever) was in the Philippines making a show of donating war equipment to the Philippines, ironically in the time when it is not needed as it is the time of the Covid pandemic when what we need are ventilators, protective equipment, vaccines and financial aid for economic recovery.

US Defense Secretary Miller’s naughty US spy flights

I said it was just a smokescreen!