Private American military company in discussions with the Central African Republic

USG Bribed C.A.R.

The Wagner Group are mercenaries but Bancroft is a private military company! 🙄

Private American military company in discussions with the Central African Republic

“As part of the reconstruction of the national army (…), we called on partners including the Russian Federation, Angola, Morocco, Guinea (…) who are helping us to train our soldiers,” he added. “The United States is also offering to the Central African Republic to train its soldiers, both on Central African soil and on American soil. ”

According to the French daily Le Monde , Washington offered the CAR a security agreement at the end of 2022 for President Touadéra in exchange for distancing itself from Wagner. Neither Washington nor Bangui have confirmed.

The death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and US war propaganda

On August 23, the billionaire Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a crash of his private jet under unexplained circumstances. The crash also killed a significant section of the senior leadership of the Wagner Group, the Russian private military contractor which Prigozhin headed, including its military commander, Dmitry Utkin.

The death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and US war propaganda


Alexander Vindman: Prigozhin’s Death Could Speed Peace in Ukraine

The Godfather in the Kremlin

Behind Enemy Lines, Ukrainians Tell Russians ‘You Are Never Safe’

US had secret plan to kill Wagner PMC commanders – WaPo

What happened to Prigozhin? Is Putin behind it? Lukashenko responds to all fakes, rumors

MINSK, 25 August (BelTA) – Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko visited Belarusian State University on 25 August. After a lengthy conference about the future of the country’s leading higher education institution the head of state met with reporters and answered key questions people had been dying to ask after the tragic accident that happened to the business jet of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the private military company (PMC) Wagner. BelTA summarized statements made by the president on the occasion.

What happened to Prigozhin? Is Putin behind it? Lukashenko responds to all fakes, rumors

Video via Russian News


Satellite Images Show Wagner Camp In Belarus Being Dismantled

USG-funded propaganda outlet publishes it, corporate media parrots it!

Prigozhin death’s main SUSPECTS. Who benefits? Cui Bono?

Via Emil Cosman


UK military believes Prigozhin’s death was organised by FSB

We have nothing to do with this – Zelenskyy on Prigozhin’s death

Prigozhin’s body taken to medical examiner’s office as Kremlin remains silent*


*Putin breaks silence on Prigozhin plane crash as bodies taken to medical examiner’s office

Putin Offers Condolences to Families of Those Killed in Private Plane Crash in Tver Region

Death of Yevgeny Prigozhin + More



Secretary of State Antony Blinken on July 21: “If I were Mr. Prigozhin, I would remain very concerned. NATO has an open-door policy; Russia has an open-windows policy, and he needs to be very focused on that.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Yevgeny Prigozhin, 08-23-2023, via C-SPAN (originally titled, Secretary Blinken Warning Prigozhin Should Be Concerned for His Safety)**

Coincidentally’, C-SPAN chose to upload the clip of Antony Blinken, shortly after the plane crash (it’s from July).

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8/10/23 Ted Snider on the Polish-Belarussian Tension

Ted Snider joined Scott on Antiwar Radio this week to talk about some concerning developments in Eastern Europe. They start with the tensions on the Polish-Belarus border where forces have been building up since Wagner forces moved in after the Prigozhin ordeal. Snider goes over what’s happening and what it might mean. They then talk about the Neo-Nazi compound in Maine whose leader claims to be training forces to go fight in Ukraine. They finish with some of the disheartening language we’re hearing about the backchannel talks between U.S. and Russian officials.

8/10/23 Ted Snider on the Polish-Belarussian Tension via The Scott Horton Show


The Poland-Belarus border is becoming a tinderbox

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine