Don’t Forget WaPo’s Report From December About Kiev’s Plans To Blow Up The Kakhovka Dam

Major General Andrey Kovalchuk admitted to the Washington Post last December that his side had previously planned to blow up part of the Kakhovka Dam as part of its Kherson Counteroffensive. It therefore seemed unthinkable that Kiev would ultimately do just that over half a year later and then gaslight that Moscow was to blame when the Mainstream Media itself earlier reported the existence of Ukraine’s terrorist plans after quoting the same official who bragged about them.

Don’t Forget WaPo’s Report From December About Kiev’s Plans To Blow Up The Kakhovka Dam

IAEA Issues Warning over Europe’s Biggest Nuclear Power Plant + ‘Mad panic’ evacuation

The situation around Russia’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which sits close to the frontline with Ukraine, is becoming more dangerous, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi warned on Saturday. The statement came as Kiev is preparing to launch a counteroffensive, and the authorities of Zaporozhye Region began the partial evacuation of cities close to the conflict zone.

IAEA Issues Warning over Europe’s Biggest Nuclear Power Plant


‘Mad panic’ evacuation as IAEA warns of a nuclear accident at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant occupied by Russian forces

Russia Installs Shield Over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Storage Site


Russia Installs Shield Over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Storage Site

Video footage published by Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-appointed official in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia province, showed workers mounting a screen of what appeared to be some kind of transparent sheeting on wires above dozens of concrete cylinders about 5 metres (16 feet) high.

Both Kyiv and Moscow have accused each other of recklessly shelling the plant, whose six reactors are all off line.

The “concrete cylinders” are part of the dry cask storage system, where the spent nuclear fuel is stored. On another note, Reuters still can’t admit that Russia isn’t shelling itself!? Why would they even bother to do this if they were?!

IAEA Unaware If Iran Has Nuclear Weapons Program, Grossi Says

IAEA Unaware If Iran Has Nuclear Weapons Program, Grossi Says

When asked how close he thought Tehran was to making a nuclear bomb, Grossi said in an interview aired on Sunday, ‘At the current level of production of this enriched uranium, Iran has accumulated already enough material to have more than one device, if they chose to do that. But we don’t have any information that would indicate that Iran has a nuclear weapon program at the moment.’


YouTube: 60 Minutes interview with Rafael Grossi

US Says Iran Is Not Trying to Build a Nuclear Weapon

Ukraine blames Russia for alleged ‘missile strike’ on Poland + What is NATO Article 5 and how does it apply to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Ukraine blames Russia for alleged ‘missile strike’ on Poland

AP reported, citing an unnamed US intelligence official, that Russian missiles crossed into Poland. The Pentagon then stated it “has no information” to corroborate such reports, adding that it is aware of the situation and would look further into it.

The Russian Defense Ministry denied any responsibility for the incident by saying that the nation’s military did not strike any targets near the Polish-Ukrainian border. It also branded the Polish media reports a “provocation.”


What is NATO Article 5 and how does it apply to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Although it is not yet clear where the shells came from, it is known that they fell at around the same time as a Russian missile strike in western Ukraine.

The US Department of Defense repeated after press reports that it “will defend every inch of NATO territory” while it awaits more information.

Russian forces are retreating to the left bank of Dnieper river, are leaving Kherson


On November 9, 2022, Sergey Surovikin, the military commander of the special military operation for liberation of Donbass, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, reports publicly to Sergey Shoigu, Russian defense minister

[…] Kherson cannot be fully supplied and function. Russia did everything possible to ensure the evacuation of the inhabitants. Kiev strikes at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station and creates a threat of flooding of vast territories. The most expedient option is to organize defense along the barrier line of the Dnieper River. It is proposed to take up defense along the left bank. Keeping a grouping of troops on the right bank is futile […]

Shoigu orders the withdrawal

Russian forces are retreating to the left bank of Dnieper river, are leaving Kherson

Video via: Russian News