Daily pictures : Bucha narrative is still the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

Twitter, still censoring. Source.

On October 28, 2022, new boss Elon Musk has sacked Vijaya Gadde, the sergeant major of censorship on Twitter. That is why Scott Ritter has tested for us the reliability of the US social network. The result is negative. Bucha narrative remains the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

Daily pictures : Bucha narrative is still the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

US boots in Ukraine ?


For liberation of Russian-speaking Donbass, that the Ukrainian forces were shelling since 2014, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, Russia has started on February 24, 2022, a special military operation. The New York Times stressed it on June 25, Western boots are on the ground since 2014, special operation forces, instructors, intelligence officers. And my assertion is that Western operatives, especially French ones, were even taken prisoners in May, in Mariupol. But I am wondering about line troops

US boots in Ukraine ?


US could directly intervene in Ukraine – ex-CIA chief

Russia Responds to Ukraine’s Attack on Crimean Bridge etc.

Russia Responds to Ukraine’s Attack on Crimean Bridge etc.

A number of other “terrorist attacks” have targeted Russia’s energy infrastructure, including an attempt to blast one of the sections of the TurkStream gas pipeline which runs from Russia to Türkiye, he said.


AEI is a Neocon think tank, connected to PNAC.

AEI: Biden Should Kill TurkStream to Promote Transatlantic Energy Security

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Ukraine SitRep – Recent Incidents Of Concern For All Sides


Yesterday saw two significant developments or incidents with regard to the conflict in Ukraine.

Ukraine SitRep – Recent Incidents Of Concern For All Sides (18+)


Ukrainian forces report Starlink outages during push against Russia (archived, as original is behind paywall)

18+: Daily pictures : the final moments of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine:

Several distinct characters appear in the pictures. Some were displaying foreign badges, US, British, German or Polish ones. Bezsonov reports that foreign mercenaries [or also special operations forces (SOF) from the West, possibly decommissioned in the context ?] were involved in this Ukrainian recce formation. During fighting, they were bearing the blue armband of the Ukrainian national guard, not the yellow one of the regular army

Space intelligence around Ukraine

In the evening of October 4, 2022, photos and videos appear on social networks, about strange light pillars, several in Belgorod (1st and 2nd pictures), through various angles, at least one in Moscow (3rd picture), about 600 km to the north. Others are reported later in Omsk, about 2,250 km east of Moscow, then Murmansk (bottom), 1,500 km north of Moscow

Space intelligence around Ukraine


As users on Twitter report, an identical glow was also observed in Murmansk, which is the headquarters of the Northern Fleet and around which are located the largest submarine bases with nuclear submarines, especially strategic ones that can launch ballistic missiles, which have been the focus of American reconnaissance satellites and airplanes for the last week.

Russian journalist Dmitry Smirnov gave his opinion on this on his Telegram channel.

“It’s high time: Strange rays in the sky over Belgorod. Ukraine is already arguing that all is lost – Putin launched the laser weapon ‘Peresvet’ (named after the medieval warrior-monk who was blessed by St. Sergius of Radonezh to go to the battle on Kulikovo field).”

Glows spotted in Russia.
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White House Seeks $35 Million in Nuclear Incident Aid Amid Rising Ukraine Dangers

White House Seeks $35 Million in Nuclear Incident Aid Amid Rising Ukraine Dangers

As Russia ups its threats to Ukraine’s beleaguered nuclear power plants, the Biden Administration has asked Congress to set aside $35 million to prepare for a possible nuclear incident in Europe.


Slava Slush Fund: despite economic crisis, Congress readies $12 billion more for Ukraine + More