Origin of the ‘Trident’ Emblem of Ukraine

As with any mythological symbol, the ‘Trident’ of Ukraine is full of ‘pre-history’ – most of it made-up, false, or deliberately fabricated and misleading. Although there is no archaeological evidence, Ukrainian nationalistic history (which attempts to construct a Ukrainian identity that is separate and distinct from Slavic Russian), paints a picture of exotic origins! This symbol is nothing less than the trident of the Greek god Poseidon! If this ‘origin story’ is correct, then the Ukrainians, despite being the obvious (and scientifically proven) descendants of marauding Scandinavians (exactly the same as their Russian neighbours), are nothing less than the modern survivors of a colony of ‘White’, and ‘European’ Greeks who settled in the area around two thousand years ago! The fact that Ancient (and Classical) Greeks were Southern Europeans who routinely ‘mixed’ with Middle Eastern and Asian people (hence their ‘olive’ complexion) appears lost on on these Ukrainian ultra-nationalists. Here, we start to see the ‘irrationality’ of Eurocentric racism.

Origin of the ‘Trident’ Emblem of Ukraine

Russia/Ukraine: Beware False Flags. Kiev’s inaccurate/false bombing comparison to Syria. GCC does not comply


An innaccurate infographic created and posted by the official Twitter account of Ukraine’s air force that compares the number of missiles dropped in Syria to those dropped in Ukraine has been widely condemned.

Russia/Ukraine: Beware False Flags. Kiev’s inaccurate/false bombing comparison to Syria. GCC does not comply

Escalation Without Consequences on the Op-Ed Page

Escalation Without Consequences on the Op-Ed Page

The United States implemented two “no-fly zones” over Iraq between 1991 and 2003, at which point the US and its partners moved on to the full-scale devastation of Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands in the process. NATO created “no-fly zones” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and later over Kosovo, during the period in which NATO was dismantling Yugoslavia. In 2011, NATO imposed a “no-fly zone” in Libya, ostensibly to protect the population from Muammar Gaddafi: The result was ethnic cleansing, the emergence of slave markets, mass civilian casualties and more than a decade of war in the country.

They wanted us for cannon fodder, say British medical volunteers ‘tricked’ into fighting for Ukraine + British volunteer fighters may have triggered deadly strike on Ukrainian base after their phones were detected

They wanted us for cannon fodder, say British medical volunteers ‘tricked’ into fighting for Ukraine


British volunteer fighters may have triggered deadly strike on Ukrainian base after their phones were detected

Just how dumb do you have to be to go fight in Ukraine as a foreigner?