SO it begins, U.S. starts INVASION of Haiti with military force

Oct 13, 2022 “The United States is moving forward with military missions in Haiti and Canada is considering getting involved too. The coast guard has sent ships with machine guns, which signals some kind of special, covert operation. Life in Haiti is in chaos and increasingly so by the day. Protestors are calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry and are blocking imports of critical infrastructure such as gasoline imports. Banks and grocery stores are operating on limited schedules. What is the U.S.’s interest in this? We break it down with independent journalist Dan Cohen from Uncaptured Media.

SO it begins, U.S. starts INVASION of Haiti with military force | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Note: Dan Cohen claims that Jimmy Cherizier has changed his tune. Canadian-based Haitian, Jafrikayiti, argues otherwise.*


US sending aid to Haiti, restricting visas in ‘all-hands’ response for help

U.S. eyes military intervention in Haiti, again

United Nations, diplomatic preparations for military intervention in Haiti met with widespread protests

*To Solve the Crisis Permanently, Force the US to Stop Backing Notorious White Warlords in Haiti

Haitian people were shocked and in awe when, in her report dated September 25, 2020, Helen Lalime, the current representative of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), heralded the federation of armed gangs throughout the country a net reducer of violence. Now, said gangs which were federated as “G9”, presumably to facilitate an elusive peaceful disarmament process, under BINUH’s guidance, are serving as pretext for foreign boots returning massively on Haitian soil. Those who point to the obvious logical conclusions are deemed “conspiracy theorists.” Yet, it is plain to see that foreign troops are being mobilized to help secure some of the most ruthless criminals of Haitian society, including BINUH, US, PHTK and white oligarchs-protected mass murderer for hire, G9 federated gang leader Jimmy “Babekyou” Cherizier, who feel threatened by an unarmed but justifiably angry population. As they often say at multiple popular demonstrations, Haitian people seek to uproot “dechouke” the system. Its beneficiaries and guardians are doing everything in their power to safeguard the system.