Interactive 3D Visualization of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide & U.S. Wars and Government Overthrows

Interactive 3D Visualization of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide

The visualization includes data from 1746 bases. About 700 of the base are in U.S. states and territories; the rest are on foreign soil. The data comes from public sources and is approximate; it does not cover all bases. Sources are shown below.

Interactive 3D visualization of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide


Interactive 3D Visualization of U.S. Wars and Government Overthrows

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions: A List

Today’s Russia Is Upholding the Best of the Soviet Legacy

By Victoria Nikiforova – Dec 5, 2022

The following essay is written and published by a columnist at Russia’s main state media outlet, RIA Novosti. The essay provides an overview of the achievements and the lasting legacy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) for today’s Russia and for the world. It is not a comprehensive history of the USSR; that is for historians to continue to write and debate. The essay’s most salient feature is the insight into the thinking of the people of the Russian Federation at this very turbulent turning point in their history.

The essay voices the wholesale loss of positive expectations of the Russian Federation people for the Western imperialist countries as the latter escalate their drive to isolate and weaken their country and its government. Many other such writings are appearing in Russian media. Altogether, they reflect a deepening understanding in Russian society that world imperialism—headed by the United States and including the major powers of Europe and Japan–is very much alive, dangerous, and, quite literally, out to get them. There is a profound upheaval taking place in the political thinking and the aspirations of the many peoples of the Russian Federation.

Today’s Russia Is Upholding the Best of the Soviet Legacy

Personal Post: LMAO…Okay, Fakebook!

I’m in Fakebook jail for posting the above quote because it apparently glorifies a dangerous individual and/or organization. I suppose if it was from Stepan Bandera it would have been alright! 🙄

Just when this was in my memories from 2020…lol.

Earlier, I got a warning from YouTube for an old cat video. It was a cat that was supposedly chewing on a marijuana leaf. I say supposedly because the cat didn’t ingest it, at least not in the video. The first scene was of the cat licking it, then about to chomp down, and suddenly it cut to the cat acting crazy as if he’d just ate catnip. YouTube claims that I intentionally harmed the cat and that it was violence. I figure that some troll reported it as it’s been up for years for adults only! I ended up making all of my videos, private, because there are some videos of my cat eating catnip and someone might find it violent considering how he reacts to eating catnip! 😂