When First Foreign Reporter Arrived In Hiroshima – and Then Got Kicked Out of Japan

Wilfred Burchett: The Atomic Plague

Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is still going strong at the box office, returning to the #2 spot, after one week in third place, still behind heavy Mattel Barbie but now up to $264 million gross just in USA.

Press coverage continues constant, including new praise and firm complaints (often in the same article). Here’s one hit, from Stars & Stripes no less, claiming the film really underplays the role of female scientists on bomb project.

When First Foreign Reporter Arrived In Hiroshima – and Then Got Kicked Out of Japan


How Oppenheimer and other 1945 leaders saw the future — and what really happened

First into Nagasaki: George Weller’s Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on the atomic bombing and Japan’s POWs