Deciphering What Really Happened In Dagestan

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Efforts have been underway since the start of the special operation to weaponize multiculturalism under a faux “decolonization” guise in order to “Balkanize” Russia. Of additional relevance, attempts have been made to ruin Russia’s careful balancing act between Israel and Hamas/Palestine. These two contextual factors combined in the latest incident, which saw the SBU exploit some local Muslims’ pro-Palestinian sentiment amidst the latest regional war for the purpose of manipulating them into rioting, storming the airport, and carrying out a pogrom in pursuit of their puppet master’s anti-Russian geopolitical agenda.

Deciphering What Really Happened In Dagestan

H/T: Unorthodox Truth


Dagestan governor blames Ukraine for inciting pogrom at Makhachkala airport

Melikov said that Utro Dagestana, a Telegram channel he said was run by “traitors”, was to blame for posting anti-Semitic statements on Saturday in an attempt to inflame public opinion.

The channel, which was created by Ilya Ponomarev*, a former member of Russia’s State Duma who later sided with Ukraine, claimed that “refugees from Israel” would be arriving in Dagestan and called on locals to storm the airport.

*Ilya Ponomarev