Cybor Rats and Fake Genocide Trump Child Pornography

Jerry’s Take on China

Cybor Rats and Fake Genocide Trump Child Pornography

While the sub-headline says the word “genocide”, the article softens that to “Uyghur abuses in Xinjiang”. Presumably because their lawyers would have told them to do so, they know there has been no genocide, quite the opposite in fact, the number of Uyghurs in Xinjiang today is far greater than before and they’re living longer and richer lives but that’s a different story which has been well addressed in this publication many times before.

The headline mistakenly entitles Vice-minister Wu Zhaohui as a Minister once and thereafter calls him Mr., saying he has been “decribed (sic) as the man ‘whose fingerprints are all over the Uyghur Genocide’” the person who described him thus becomes clear towards the end of the article, British Hong Kong activist Luke De Pulford, the founder of an organisation which the telegraph very politely but also erroneously calls the “Inter-Parliamentary Alliance”. Leaving out the most important words its correct name is the Inter- Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC).

This is a group of mostly right-wing but 100% anti-China legislators funded by more anti-China bodies such as: the US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), often referred to as a CIA cutout; George Soros’ Open Society, which has long been critical of China, in particular, Xi Jinping; and the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, founded with, believe it or not, the assistance of NED. As is often said when you want to know what’s really going on, follow the money.



NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism