Near-final results confirm populist victory in Serbia while the opposition claims fraud

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — An early official vote count of Serbia’s weekend election on Monday confirmed victory for the ruling populist party in a parliamentary vote in the Balkan country, but political tensions rose over reported irregularities in the capital, Belgrade.

Near-final results confirm populist victory in Serbia while the opposition claims fraud

I call BS on the ‘irregularities’!


CeSID links:

Freedom House, Open Society Fund, United States Institute for Peace, National Endowment for Democracy, Rockfeller Brothers Fund, Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, National Democratic Institute, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (UK Gov), Olof Palme International Center, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, IREX: International Research & Exchanges Board (Ford Foundation, US State Department), European Commission.

‘Independent’ Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability: