Vietnam overtakes China as the Top Exporter to the US of Products made with Forced Uyghur Labor

Vietnam overtakes China as the Top Exporter to the US of Products made with Forced Uyghur Labor

Attention, Vietnam: According to the Voice of America (VOA), a News Organization that is owned by the United States (US) Government, you are now the top Exporter to the US of Products made using forced Uyghur Labor.

This is again a Case of the US interfering with the Affairs of another Country, something that China almost never does. And this is why Relations between Vietnam and the US will never be really that comfortable since the US will always set Conditions when dealing with them.

For the Record, China has consistently denied that they are exploiting the Uyghurs, this is just another of the US’ Propaganda to demonize China as China has been slowly but surely overtaking them as the main Superpower in the World.