A Potentially Huge Supreme Court Case Has a Hidden Conservative Backer

The case, to be argued by lawyers linked to the petrochemicals billionaire Charles Koch, could sharply curtail the government’s regulatory authority.

The Cause of Action Institute has disclosed little of its funding*: A year before it was created, the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling had enabled billions of dollars in spending by groups that don’t disclose their donors.

A Potentially Huge Supreme Court Case Has a Hidden Conservative Backer

Guess the author doesn’t know how to ‘Google’! 🙄


*Cause of Action @ SourceWatch (includes tax filings)


Cause of Action Institute is not required to disclose its funders but major foundation supporters can be found through their IRS filings. Here are some known contributors:

Atlas Network (PDF updated 11-30-23:

Israel-Palestine war: Former State Department official Seldowitz arrested after ‘racist’ tirade

Israel-Palestine war: Former State Department official Seldowitz arrested after ‘racist’ tirade

“I regret the whole thing happened and I’m sorry,” he said, before adding: “If I had to do it all over again, I would not have raised the religious aspect.”


Before viral Islamophobic rant, ex-Obama official harassed women, Russian diplomat’s dog

Fox News parts ways with Tucker Carlson


The Rupert Murdoch-owned network has announced the immediate departure of the star host

Fox News parts ways with Tucker Carlson


Abby Grossberg, a producer who had worked on Carlson’s show, filed lawsuits against the company last month related to the Dominion case, including claims that she and other women faced sexism and harassment from coworkers and officials.

Tucker Carlson has left Fox News

YouTube: Tucker Carlson: If I get fired for telling the truth then so be it

US government bailout of Silicon Valley and banks is $300B gift to rich oligarchs

The US Federal Reserve printed $300 billion in a week to save collapsing banks and bail out Silicon Valley oligarchs. 93% of Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits were uninsured, over the FDIC limit of $250,000, but the government still paid them. 56% of SVB’s loans went to venture capitalist and private equity firms.

US government bailout of Silicon Valley and banks is $300B gift to rich oligarchs